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Working towards a world without waste is a group effort. Join the movement.

For producers who want to (re)design products for circularity, we are your go-to innovation partner. A fully circular business model is possible. Niaga®️ provides circular design principles, material innovations and technology to help make it happen.
Do you aspire to contribute to a world without waste? Join us and our network of frontrunner partners. We bring in our material science and redesign expertise to complement your industry-specific know-how. Together, we come up with products redesigns, new manufacturing models, and ways to close the loop. Our partners are showing the world it can be done, and so can you. 

Interested in creating closed loops together? 
Here’s what collaborating with us looks like.

Product (re)design

We help refine your circular product designs. Alternatively, we can start from scratch and develop completely new ones together. So far, we have redesigned carpet, mattresses, and furniture panels for circularity.

<h4>"Niaga®’s click-unclick adhesive was the missing link to finally solving our circular puzzle for mattresses"</h4>

Jan Joost Bosman - - CEO at Royal Auping

Material innovation

When your product (re)design requires material innovation, we bring in our scientists to make it work. They will ensure your product redesign is clean and fully recyclable.

“With Niaga®’s furniture panels we have finally found suitable materials to develop a beautiful, high-quality, circular workstation for people working from home, that does not negatively impact indoor air quality”

Karst Wouda - - managing director at Zwartwoud

Testing and production facilities

To develop, test, produce and scale your circular product designs, Niaga® and partners offer production facilities ranging from small-scale lab environments to full-scale manufacturing lines.

“Niaga® helped us assess the non-toxicity and flame resistance of the materials we use to make our carpets fully recyclable”

Bert Schollier - - R&D manager at Louis de Poortere

Material transparency and return

Every Niaga®-tagged product comes with a unique product passport. It shows exactly what it's made of and how it can be returned for recycling. That’s how the Niaga® tag enables the collective effort that’s required for producers to get their materials back at the end of each product’s use cycle, transforming waste streams into material streams. 

“The Niaga® tag really helps us to distinguish our circular mattress from the pack. It makes clear that the mattress is made with valuable materials, and that we want it back for reuse once it is done serving our clients”

Jan Maes - - CEO Revor

Machine development and licensing

Our engineers are well-versed in manufacturing technology. Together with your supply chain partners, they can develop the right equipment and entire production lines to bring your product design to life. Then they’ll introduce you to the right tech partners to build them, custom-made. 

“We boldly aim for fully circular production in 2030. The machine that Niaga® built for us is key in realizing this ambition.”

Lars Engelke - - managing director at Object Carpet

Ecosystem development

We’ll gladly work together and introduce you to like-minded value chain partners to be able to create and recycle your product. Interdependence and mutual trust have fueled our success. Together, we are part of the global movement that’s needed to move towards a circular economy.

“As a leading manufacturer of woolen carpets and rugs, we aim for the highest sustainability standards. This has inspired our partnership with Niaga®️ and the design of an innovative, circular production line.”

Yvar Monasch - - managing director at Best Wool Carpets & Monasch by Best Wool


We design to use again

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